
Sea Turtles & Turtle Nesting

There are seven species of sea turtles that have managed to survive into modern society. Today, all seven species are considered threatened or endangered. Four of these species; the Loggerhead Sea Turtle, the Green Sea Turtle, the Leatherback Sea Turtle, and the Hawksbill Sea Turtle nest on the beaches of South Florida from March through October every year. The Loggerhead is most common sea turtle found in Southeast Florida and Florida's beaches are the second most important nesting area in the world for this particular species of turtle.

In the United States, a major threat to sea turtles lies in the continuing destruction of their nesting beaches. Vehicular traffic, loss of dune systems, and beach front lighting all significantly reduce sea turtle's nesting success. Sea turtles are protected through Florida Statues, Chapter 370, and by the United States Endangered Species Act of 1973. In summary, these laws state that: "No person may take, harass, harm, pursue, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture or attempts to engage in any such conduct to marine turtles, turtle nest, and/or turtle eggs." Any person who knowingly violates any provision of the act may be assessed civil penalties up to $25,000 or criminal penalty up to $100,000 and up to one year imprisonment.


To assist the Turtle Monitoring Program Beach Raker has invested in sub-meter GPS technology, and ArcMap 10 to accurately plot the location of every turtle nest in the areas that we provide beach cleaning services.  With this data our operators are authorized by FWC to locate and reestablish turtle nests that have been washed over during a severe storm or exceptionally high tide.  Once we reestablish the nests, our operators can resume the work of cleaning the beach with no interruption of service to our clients.


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